The benefits of a winter residential

Find out the many benefits of taking a class away on a school residential in the winter season.

At ALPHA TRUST SOM-UK, we have long believed in the value of taking a class away on an activity residential at the beginning of the school year. We support Learning Away and their Brilliant Residentials campaigning. Learning Away have recently released some extensive research that provides profound evidence that shows the transforming impact winter residentials have on schools. Yet school trips often take place in the summer term, just as the teacher is saying goodbye to their class. Here are some compelling reasons from Learning Away why schools should plan a residential in the first half of the school year.


Build relationships early

School trips develop deeper relationships which continue back in school. The sooner a teacher gets to know their students, the sooner they can get the best out of them. Winter residentials allow relationships between teachers and students to become more trusting and respectful back in the classroom. Students get to know teachers as individuals; staff gain a better understanding of their students and how to respond to them. 84% of secondary students said that they got on better with others in their class after a residential 79% of primary students said they knew their teacher better after a school trip.


Get more out of your investment

Taking children on a residential involves considerable time and budget, so it is wise to do so at a time of year when you can fully reap the benefits afterwards. Many schools offer school trips as a reward at the end of year but then do not get to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Our rates are lower in the autumn and winter months, allowing you to get more from your school trip and also ensure that all children can afford to attend. Don’t forget we offer bursary places to ensure that no child is left behind.


Improve resilience and well-being

Residentials improve students’ resilience, self-confidence and well-being. Students are more willing to try something new and ask for help, push themselves and participate in class. Imagine the difference it can make to teaching a class with more self-belief after going on a winter residential. 87% of secondary students felt more confident to try new things.


Increase their engagement with learning

Residentials improve students’ engagement with learning, including positive changes in behaviour and attendance. Going on a residential in the winter months will give them a passion for learning which can continue throughout the school year. 72% of primary students said their behaviour was better after a winter residential   Learning Away works with schools to help them develop highly effective Brilliant Residentials which are led by teachers, co-designed with students and fully integrated into the curriculum.   Enquire today about a winter residential