Making a Will is a great opportunity to think about what is important to you and to ensure your wishes are carried out. It’s essential, whatever your age, to ensure your family and friends are provided for and to ensure your money and possessions are distributed according to your wishes.
We are incredibly grateful for each and every gift kindly left to ALPHA TRUST SOM-UK. If you would like to leave a gift to ALPHA TRUST SOM-UK in your Will then please read on to learn more about the three main ways to leave a legacy to us.
1. A share of your estate Many people choose to leave a share of their estate to charity – this can be a percentage of what is left over once loved ones are provided for or it can be any percentage you like. As this gift is a proportion of your estate it keeps pace with inflation.
2. Fixed sum of money You can choose to leave a fixed sum of money, also known as a pecuniary gift. You can choose any amount you like but it is worth remembering that if you do decide to leave this type of gift, it is important to review it from time to time as inflation can reduce its value.
3. Gift of a specific item You can also choose to leave a particular item to ALPHA TRUST SOM-UK, such as a piece of jewellery, an antique or even a property. A gift like this should be named in your Will.
You can download our Legacy Leaflet and a Codicil Form (used to make an addition to your Will, if it already written) here:
Download Legacy Leaflet
Download Codicil Form
We appreciate that leaving a legacy is a very personal thing and you may wish to keep this a private matter. We would, however, love for you to let us know about your gift so that we can say Thank You!
If you need further information please do contact us on 01933 654100 or at with any questions.