
Turn Your School Orange

“Poverty affects more than one in four children in the UK today. When kids grow up poor they miss out – and so do the rest of us. They miss out on the things most children take for granted: warm clothes, school trips, having

Mission Trip to Lesotho

This mission trip was an opportunity for ALPHA TRUST SOM-UK trainees to support a youth camp, at the Lesotho-Durham Link Outdoor Activity Centre. Every teenager attending the camp, has suffered the traumatic loss of both parents and now

New Beginnings at Summit Centre

Over 1,000 people came to enjoy the family fun day with free activities. The highlight of the opening ceremony was a performance by the Welsh choir – Only Boys Aloud – of Britain’s Got Talent fame. Staff from across

The benefits of a winter residential

At ALPHA TRUST SOM-UK, we have long believed in the value of taking a class away on an activity residential at the beginning of the school year. We support Learning Away and their Brilliant Residentials campaigning. Learning Away have recently

How Far Will Your Gap Year Take You?

How Far Will Your Gap Year Take You? Find out how your Gap Year could be just the beginning of an incredible life-changing journey that equips you way beyond your one or two years training to be an instructor with ALPHA TRUST SOM-UK.   Interview

Under The Spotlight

Although our Centre Facilities Team are made up of larger than life characters, you probably wouldn’t have noticed them during your school residential trip or group weekend away.  They were quietly cutting the grass, sweeping

Activities come rain or shine

There’s a line in a song that says, “I don’t care what the weatherman says, when the weatherman says it’s raining, you’ll never hear me complaining, I’m certain the sun will shine.” Here at ALPHA TRUST SOM-UK; it doesn’t

Meet Stephen

Stephen joined us as a trainee instructor.  In his vlog he talks about what he got up to during week one of the Instructor Training Programme.       Find out more about our Instructor Training Programme 

Winding Down

How was your summer? Has it been one of relaxation and recuperation, or one of excitement and adventure? It’s all change come September, parents peeling themselves out of bed to do the school run, teachers setting up the new


It’s been a week of blue skies, warm temperatures and a very busy period at each of our four activity centres. All corners of the lake have been explored, whether in a canoe, sit on top kayak or touring boat. The jetty has been

Meet Nate

Our instructor, Nate Taylor, joined ALPHA TRUST SOM-UK three years ago and completed the Instructor Training Programme (ITP). He is now based at our Frontier Centre and will be blogging about his experiences and the difference a ALPHA TRUST SOM-UK

Interview with a first year Trainee Instructor

Hi Anna, tell us a bit about yourself Hi, I’m 19 and studied Biology, Chemistry and Maths at A level where I grew up just outside of Oxford. I’m in my first year of the Instructor Training Programme, and loving it; I’ve