
Get together with your group around the campfire at the end of the day, tell stories, sing songs and toast marshmallows (marshmallows not provided). This is a great self led activity for getting to know your group members or finding out new things about the ones you already know.

Available at:
Frontier Centre
Carroty Wood
Whithaugh Park
Summit Centre

Learning Outcomes


All ALPHA TRUST SOM-UK centres are set in rural locations with a wealth of natural resources on our doorstep. Many adventure activities use natural sciences such as physics and chemistry for bushcraft or geography for orienteering. You can carry out a whole lesson sitting by the river bank or strolling through the grounds.

Physical, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Many areas of PSHE such as citizenship, health and well-being and communication are widely explored in many of our adventure activities. Activities can be tailored to include areas such as trust, listening skills, relationships, democracy, justice, diversity and our environment; whatever your curriculum objectives.

Team building

We have a range of instructed activities that are designed to get groups working together through challenging team dynamics, they will have to work together to achieve certain tasks and challenges, developing listening skills, communication and trust within the group. They get a better understanding of their colleagues or classmates which aids development.